Sunday, March 27, 2005

Venturing into new territory

For a number of years, the "Behind the Scenes" course I coordinate has given folks living and/or working in Montgomery County a first-hand look into the work and programs of the Division of Solid Waste Services. By touring our facilities and by speaking directly with the managers of our programs, they come away with a much deeper understanding about what we do and why.

I ask participants to complete a number of evaluations throughout the course. Without fail, one of the primary complaints has been that, even though we covered lots of ground together, they still have lots of questions.

Leaving a course with questions can be frustrating, but it's also a mark of success. Namely, the topics and discussions have been thought-provoking.

With this blog, I'm essentially taking "Behind the Scenes" online, with entries addressing the questions we receive at our Customer Service Line, from website emails, and elsewhere. It's an experiment. Let us know what you think (or would like to know about the Division's work).

And, just as with the "Behind the Scenes" course, I'll periodically evaluate how it's going, with a final evaluation six months from now.

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