Wednesday, March 30, 2005

No more scrap metal or yard trim at Damascus Beauty Spot

With warmer weather, thoughts turn to... spring cleaning! Here's a friendly reminder that scrap metal and yard trim are no longer accepted at the Damascus Beauty Spot.

So, now what? It's simple: look no further than your curb! Both of these materials are picked up weekly in the County's curbside recycling program. No special arrangements are need for collection of your leaves, grass, or brush. Please set up scrap metal collections prior to your recycling day.

Why the change? There is not enough space at the Damascus depot to set scrap metal and yard trim aside for recycling. Until now, it was all handled as trash. The curbside collection program will let us recycle that material. Also, the Beauty Spot creates lots of traffic. We're hoping that the curbside program will save many of you a trip out there, reducing the number of vehicles coming to and through the facility.

Beauty Spot address + hours

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